Sunday, March 22, 2020

Yoga For Immunity

Several factors control our immunity. Activities of thymus gland, spleen, tonsils, adenoid gland and digestion and metabolism are few things we may be able to modulate through life style practices. This sequence of breathing techniques and poses may help to complement what you already do. 

Please be aware that yoga poses may not be easily accessible to you in the beginning- it's a practice perfected with time. Please listen to your body and modify poses and breathing as you feel good. By definition yoga poses need to be comfortable and stable. If you feel otherwise, you may need to sit back and think if you are doing it in the right way. I will post more on mindful execution of stable and comfortable yoga poses later~ Jay

Thursday, March 19, 2020

Think Positive!


“The Chinese had gone through the hell and we learned a lot from those systems they put in place”, the President said. The quarantine protocols we follow and the reduced appearances of new cases in China is a beacon of hope in this otherwise precarious situation. If you get out of the fear of corona (I am in no way downplaying the potential damage this virus could do), you will also see inspiring stories and opportunities. I did:

1.       I was not able to post anything in the Facebook or here for some time; Here I am, taking to you all…haha

2.       It is inspiring to see governments, pharmaceutical companies, testing service companies and non-profits come together to fight our common threat.

3.       “It’s the time for us to support and protect our community and our elderly”, we all say. I haven’t heard such a statement in long time. It’s important we wash our hands to protect us. By doing so, we protect others. We develop “herd immunity”

4.       When we saw footages of empty shelves in stores; and fighting for toilet paper rolls (why all the rush for toilet papers, I still don’t get it!), we decided the stay back home and utilize all the things in our freezer; and bit creative in what we cook.

5.       I had my yoga class in Oakbrook LA Fitness this morning. I was surprised to see 32 men and women in the studio. I took the opportunity to deliver a class on how yoga poses and breathing could improve and boost our innate immunity. I was able to walk participants through steps into headstand, which, normally,  I would not in a crowded class. Head stand is the King of asanas for immunity. 

6.       “SAVED movie premiere has to be postponed”, I say sadly; “Good, you got some time to clean up few dubbed tracks”, Bindhu Said.

7.       I was pleasantly surprised by the gym etiquettes: everybody cleaning equipment before and after their work out. 

8.       You may not be able to visit your parents and grandparents and social in traditional ways. But you can be “soul-cial”. Invest your soul into all relationships: Call, talk (over the phone), keep them in your thoughts and let them know that.

Follow everything you do to keep yourself, your family and the community safe; drink plenty of water, orange juice, stay active and take enough rest. THIS STORM TOO WILL PASS, till then I will see you all here often ~ Jay

“A positive attitude, can turn a storm into a sprinkle.” & “Storms draw something out of us that calm seas don't”