Friday, January 18, 2019

Lifestyle Adherence

Hope 2019 is treating you well; and you are returning the favor as well.

I recently heard about “failure Friday”- the second Friday of the New Year when many fall off their resolutions!  Also heard the best time to buy used fitness equipment is February. I pondered these two hypotheses; there seems some meat in them.

So, why we fall off that precipice? Why struggle to adhere and commit to the newly perceived norms? My two cents (rather four):

1. Ask: Why are you doing what are you doing and how? So what?

2. You and, of course, many have told who you are and that has engrained in your brain. Remember: you are more than what you (and others) think. I strongly believe we are pliable (in a good way): we can modulate our body, we can control our mind, and could still tether our soul to “that” original cord.

3. Get the right information, synthesize your own and pave your own path (one size will not fit all; or, there are several paths to the same destination). Google, YouTube, Alexa, Internet, advices, even peer-reviewed publications are only leads; build on that. I write for a website . It’s a good site for life style practices. Recently they published one of my essays - there is no dearth of information.

4. Acquaint with what you do; make a truce, a friendship and a bond. Find somebody who can motivate and inspire (or, even drag you to the gym). Like we say in yoga, it’s a time to recognize the grace we seek (warrior 1); stability we aspire (warrior 2), balance we nurture (warriors 3), humility we develop (meek warrior) and the ensuing success (exalted warrior). These qualities will stay with you like a valiant friend in our journey – like Veerbhadra to Shiva, Krishna to Arjun, faith to Job or Katniss Everdeen to Peeta Mellark.

Continued Best,


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